Friday, September 4, 2009

♥♥♥Mother's Bragging Rights♥♥♥

Had a crap day yesterday...that full moon tomorrow night has a lot to answer for!
That or really really poor parenting skills (someone else's not mine)!
I'm stressed by my own teenagers behaviour, but a small child threw my perspective right out of whack at school yesterday!
A belligerent seven year old smacked me upside the head with a closed fist, whilst I was wearing my sound field system mic/headset!All because he didn't want to follow my instructions!Ok there is no way out of this parenting gig, and I don't want out anyway!However I have been left wondering whether or not, after twenty years, if teaching is still the right profession for me.I have no idea what else I would do....I have never contemplated changing professions until yesterday.
So today I took myself to a place that makes my heart swell with pride.I may be having teenage troubles presently with the He and She-Devils, howeverI L♥VE them all unconditionally.So today I stroked my parental pride...begged for compliance from YouTube and tried to upload a couple of videos to Facebook and SmashingCups that would show off the talent of the fruit of my womb AND the members of their Dance Crews!
So without further adieu I present for your viewing pleasure two videos.

The Global Rock Eisteddfod Challenge 2009

Hedland Senior High's performance for the 2009 Global Rock Eisteddfod.
Held in Perth in June 2009.
Two of my talented offspring performed this year. Last year it was only the He-Devil that got involved. This year his Sissy wanted to try out for the team with him.
When the lights first come up Jordy is in the red tutu second row from the back right of stage. Towards the end of the dance she is right there rockin' the house right behind her big brother. Josh is the student co-host that introduces performance. He enters stage left after the opening sequence finishes, the lights fade and the music changes. Josh is the fist male dancer to enter dressed in Black and white. He does a front flip then a backsault. After he exits, he re-enters with a black hoody on! It comes off again when he takes center stage with the other boys to rock the house.
Hedland is so proud of all of the Hedland Senior High 2009 Hedland Eisteddfod Dance Crew.
✰✰✰✰You Rocked The Perth Convention Center ✰✰✰✰


YohFest 2009...I posted about this in this blog entry :0)

Josh, Sash, Tegan and Courtney put together this dance, with the help of H.S.H.S Dance Specialist Miss B. They performed it at the Matt Dann Cultural Festival in front of The Yoh Fest Judges and a supportive crowd from Hedland. Now the big wait to see if they have made it to the finals, to be held in Perth later in the year.Yes it's a crappy copy but heck it's the only copy I had to brag with. It's taken with my handy dandy FujiFilm Finepix Point and shoot....cause I can find the dang charger for the Handycam grrrrr!

Hope you enjoy their performances.

♥♥♥♥♥Proud Mum♥♥♥♥♥

Thanks for dropping by



  1. Ohhhhh my. .. what a story. .I can't imagine?? When my sister was stationed in a down town school during college she was also hit by a seven year old and then told she was fat and ugly. . .both of which she is most definitely not. . anyways she was so uninspired by the end of her practicum that she didn't continue her courses to become a teacher and instead took up photography. My hat's off to you. One of the hardest jobs ON EARTH.

    Love the way you chose to focus on the better things in life. .. enjoyed the dancing. . .amazing. . you must be very proud.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh Jewelz,

    Your heart must be bursting from your chest, even I was proud of those kids and I don't even know them, the strength, determination, and talent they all have.....just incredible!!!

    The work that went into that is just inspiring, how wonderful to watch.

    Sorry to hear about that little incident with that child....kind of makes you wonder what that child suffers, to just lash out like that.

    Miss you and sounds as though you have been busy.

    Strength, and all the love in the universe from me to you.

  3. wow, great videos. Good for you for focusing on the positive.

    I feel for you as a teacher. I've never been hit, but I know the type. And I, too, often wonder if this is the job for me. so now I am focusing on my art and hoping it will take me to a more fulfilled place. I hope you can do the same.

    I hope this difficult time passes quickly for you. take care.
