Sunday, April 19, 2009

SOOC Sunday~UnderTheTable

I spent a bit of time last week Hopping around the Blogosphere. I had a wonderful time exploring new sites. There is so much talent and inspiration to be found on the web. 

I {{heart}} that the web gives me the opportunity to connect with so many different people that nurture my artistic needs. 

Photography is Art. Some people may not look at it like that I'm sure. However for me and many others it is. In my little 'Blog Wander' the other day I stumbled on a nice little place to visit Slurping Life. On the weekends Melody @ Slurping Life invites you to post a link back to your site, where you post a S.O.O.C picture that follows the theme she lists each week. 
S.O.O.C = Straight Out Of Camera, no editing, just as it comes. 

After visiting Slurping Life last week I decided that this week I would jump in with both feet and get involved. She calls it SOOC Saturday [but Sunday link ups are allowed, because it's the weekend!]. Which is good for me because Melody's Saturday is my Sunday :0) !  

Why was my attempt to join in the fun at Slurping Life stymied this week I hear you ask? I do not take many shots UNDER TABLES! Yep, that was the Topic this week. Talk about not making it easy for me :0) I pondered all day. I mentally went through all of my shots...I could not for the life of me think of one time that I had taken a photo from under a table. It conjures up clandestine images in my head. Sneaking peaks under tables, you never know what you'll find! Then this afternoon, just as I thought I was running out of time to join in this weekend, the universe delivered. Thank you universe :0) It would seem there is a something about Belle being photographed under things of late! Last weekend she was UNDER the trampoline!
I was busy this afternoon coming up with activities to amuse bored kids. It's the weekend halfway through their holidays. This afternoon our house was BOOOORING!!!  I got out a box of chalks and set them the task of brightening up the undercover area. 
Belle added to the creation by rolling around, Pro Hart style, on the developing art work. At one point during the afternoon, Belle was sitting under the table absorbed in her own little creative moment. That's when I snapped this shot. 
What could be more apt, than a young Downunder Belle, naked downUnder a table!
I have to admit that to preserve the Young Belle's modesty, I have cropped the image just a teeny tiny bit. I didn't think that was cheating. Just good manners.
Thanks for Visiting me to check out
my inaugural contribution to Slurping Life's SOOC~Under The Table 
Cheers from Jewelz who is
Smashing Cups DownUnder

Leave me some Loving Why Don't You!

P.S...Formatting has gone wild. Despite many attempts, some of this post is doing what it pleases, I notice there is a whole paragraph that has decided it wants to present in a bold font, no matter how many times I try to convince it it needs to present in a normal font!
Sigh!!! :0P pffft, so be it I say, so be it.
I am me~imperfections and all...and I love me!
Love my imperfections so much that I'm happy to jump in here and say...I was a little off when I joined in on Melody's SOOC Saturday. It appears you may post ANY SOOC photo...silly me LOL.
Well that just makes for an interesting Saturday SOOC now dosen't it!
I'm such a goose {{{blushes}}}..........

Slurping Life


  1. Oh yeah, I forgot you liked mugs. I like them too, I just don't smash them ;) I love finding cool things to blog about. I hope you find some time to do art. I'd love to see some of it. I am posting my newest painting later today. Have a fantastic week, Jewelz.

  2. TOo cute, very colorful girl there! And I don't think it's cheating to crop for modesty. :)
