My Effen friend Amanda wants me to share my secret. She's in need of a little extra strength from the sisterhood. She has a dickie kidney and it's just tagging along causing more trouble than the little blighter is worth so she's having a getthelittlebuggeroutectomy next week. OK OK OK..I know that may not be the exact medical terminology however it's close and all the long words mean are she's having a kidney removed. Lets face it that's a little scary.
She thinks that IF I tell her my secret she'll feel better about the ensuing surgery.
Sorry Amanda, it's still a secret...I have to be careful about who's peeking in. I can reveal all on hhhmmmmmm Sunday maybe...however, in the mean time I must pack a bag.
I have a plane to catch to somewhere in the morning.
I need to throw in a few 'spoil yourself' products.
I am going to be a little cryptic until Saturday or Sunday. So you can think all the mad thoughts you like if it livens thing up a little around here...but don't ask me if I'm pregnant! I'm NOT! SO... Guess away.
It involves LOVE.
Speaking of love...Sending love out to my beautiful husband Justin.
For tomorrow specifically, though I'm sure he 's NOT a blog reader kinda guy and he therefore is unlikely to read any 'Ode to Juzz' that I lay down.
Tomorrow...or today in three quarters of an our Fourth wedding anniversay.
Maybe THAT has something to do with the secret?
Either way.
I Love You Justin.
With all my heart. To the moon and back.
I Love You
Yesterday came and went before I had a chance to send a quick
Happy Birthday
out to my Godson Blake.
Happy 21st Birthday at that.
I feel old having a 15 (on Sunday) year old son
having a 21 year old Godson
that makes me feel a little old!
What I am very grateful for...on a serious the fact that he has made it this far. Blake suffers from Cystic Fibrosis , he was very sick from a very early age. So it is lovely that everyone could come together in different ways and help him celebrate his April 1st 21st! This kid is for real, he is NO joke....hmm must find photo to post. I'd need to scan a baby photo to make him blush but I think I have a right now one somewhere....shuffles off Mwahahahah
Blake and his Girlfriend Bec,
Beautiful couple.
Happy Birthday my beautiful Boi.
Sorry I wasn't there to give you my love in person.
xXx Aunty Jewelz
More hints tomorrow! Perhaps I shall Polaroid some
sneak Peaks of the day unfolding?
Will someone guess my destination and purpose?
Go on, give it a go.
Leave me a message GAAAAWN
(that's Aussie for Go On LOL)
c'mon hurry up I want to know, like, YESTERDAY!