Words of inspiration from the movie 'Akeelah and the Bee'.
Whilst I was feeling VERY ordinary today, I was feeling LOVED. These words of wisdom spoke to me and they got me through a day when my body was letting me down. A touch of gastro snuck up me...fortunately it is a mild case. I still feel ordinary, HOWEVER, I got through the day and achieved all I set out to achieve and a little bit more, when all I wanted to do was call the whole thing off and crawl back into bed! Thank you to my friend JB. I'm always the one baking for others and I did not, could not, bake last night. I turned up at work today and was met by a gorgeous mini chocolate cake iced with my name 'JEWELZ'. I did not feel up to eating it but the effort JB went to, to let me know she cares, made my heart smile widely. Thank you to my beautiful husband, who went to the chemist and brought me some Gastro-Stop to settle my very unsettled tummy AND for the coffee...I felt the LOVE! Thank you to one of my Deputies from work, Narelle, for your short but very sweet note of appreciation via email. I felt the LOVE.
Josh was injured at school today playing soccer and in the process of picking him up one of the office ladies (hello Shirley) whispered words of encouragement and support into my ear. Josh is, I think, having 'issues' that stem back to his late father. Roads were opened and opportunities created to help Josh deal with what are, I think, feelings of abandonment and low self worth, no matter how good a front my boy puts on! I felt the LOVE and I felt the LOVE and concern for Josh too. Thank you also to Blondie for your support, understanding and encouragement. I felt the LOVE and again I felt the LOVE being sent out to Josh! Thank you too Susan, for the tears that welled in your eyes when I confided in you my concern for Josh's well being, I felt the LOVE and I felt the concern for Josh's well being. Thank you to Linda, a new acquaintance, and a genuine caring soul, who helped me on my way to achieving great things for MANY of the children in our community, again I felt the LOVE and I felt the encouragement and the hope you offered me in your words of wisdom. I felt the LOVE and I heart love :0) Thank you again to my husband who collected Bella from 'Play School' so I didn't have to rush the meeting with Linda...still more LOVE.
To my friend Amanda, I hope you were feeling the LOVE today for your birthday, even if you did have to work! You rock my Effen Friend (holds finger up for the sisterhood salute)!
Another birthday shout out to Kate, an indispensable part of an awesome team that IS Tim Davies Landscaping, Happy Birthday Kate...sending LOVE out to you Babe, for all the little extra things you do, just because you are a LOVE!
What a way to get through an otherwise ordinary day LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE.
I love you too.
The other half of the Effen Sisterhood.