The weather has been very VERY ordinary...that's just what happens this time of year. It's still very warm and with the rain comes humidity ~ ick!. I had a busy day running around here, there and every where.....I needed a little calm, so I am re-visiting Broome my mind LOL. Sunset welcoming the New Year, Magical. SIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunset camel rides are a big business for a couple of tourist companies......and YES we got in on the act. Bella was in awe of the camels so before we headed back to Hedland we took her for a ride on the camels. She had a ball. I will pull those photos a little later. I just wanted to post these photos because they fill me with calm and I needed a little calm after the busy day I had today. I don't feel like I achieved very much but I was going going going till the sun went down. It started with an 8 am dentist appointment {{{shudders}}} no matter how many times I visit the dentist I still re-visit my childhood in my mind. I was a stubborn little bugger at times (go figure) and would refuse to open my mouth for the dentist when I needed a filling because he wanted to give me a needle...A NEEDLE. NO WAY! I clamped my mouth shut and that was it. Mum shrugged her shoulders and said if the dentist was up for it, he could have a go without the needle! I happily opened my mouth and let him drill away to his hearts content. I had NO idea how much better I would have been with a needle and I didn't care. I had my fillings done without anesthetic {bloody idiot} I now happily open wide and shut my eyes and think of lovely places, like Broome...I even take my iPod and whack in the headphones to distract myself. I'm so glad the kids have such good teeth, another blessing I am grateful for. We, Bella and I, we headed over to the yard to grab a set of bolt I could get the lock off the letterbox, the key has disappeared doh and the weather had filled it with water...mail is great (sometimes), soggy mail is NOT great! We visited school to check out a friends daughter's art work{{{waves to JB, BIG thumbs up to Jess, great work girl, GREAT work}}} and by the time all that was done there was only an hour before the big kids needed to be collected. When we were at school Belle wanted to go and play in the playground, I did NOT! Well, not in the heat and I dislike sand in my shoes, so we negotiated. We headed off to McDonalds so Belle could have a play in the inside/air-conditioned SANDLESS playground :0) and I could have a quite drink and read some magazines. Didn't get to the magazines because I bumped into a few friends {{{waves to Yvonne and Lisa, the power house women behind the school lunches at two of our schools canteen's in town, there was a third power house woman there from our other South Hedland School, but I have fuzzy brain and I forget her name at this very moment, it was nice to make her acquaintance though}}} and we chatted away and caught up a little before I headed off to collect the kids. Belle was most amenable until it was time to leave, then the grumps arrived!!! She was however VERY tired, and the stubborn, demanding, teary girl only every really surfaces when sleep is calling. She was asleep before the end of the road (much like we all thought girls!) and now it's my turn. Off to bed now. Sleep with Angels
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