Friday, August 6, 2010

Dear Thursday.... YOU HAVE MAIL ✉ ✉ ✉

Dear Thursday,

I think you misheard me.

I said :

'Helllllo Thursday ♥ ♥ ♥ let positive energy surround us today PLEASE!
Keep that negative cr@p to yourself 


:0) Jewelz'

.....I did not say pop a suppository up my 'mental' a$$ because I'm emotionally bound up today, PLEASE!!!....I did NOT appreciate the screwed up energy you surrounded me with today, it ended up giving me the absolute mental SHITS ((>.<))
Could you go a little easier on me tomorrow please, seeing how it will be FRIDAY, the first day of my extra looong weekend. 
I understand that you are creating new exciting opportunities...but can you just go a little gentler on me next time....ease back on the throttle a little will you PAHLEEEEZE!

I've done a few extra little deeds of kindness lately, in recognition of the extra effort I have made, i.e I made some KILLER Rasberry Swirl Cup cakes filled with a raspberry cream, new creation, and they were DELISHISHTRAIGHTTOYOURASSISIOUS. I took them off to work and shared them around ♡♡♡ so could you please cut me a little f@rkin slack this weekend! I'd really appreciate it.



  1. Hello My Lovely,

    Please private email and let me know what is up with everything.
    All I received was your last email which was sad and I want to catch-up with you on EVERYTHING!!

    Hugs and all the love in the universe from me to you.

  2. sounds more like a Monday to me...LOL
