Monday, May 3, 2010


Short but Sweet
This Weekend 
was spent submersed in diversion therapy... cooking up a spectacular treat for the senses :0)
concentrating on the cake and my kids took my mine off
of issues that are putting pressure on our family unit :0(

Aint it preeeety :0)

I didn't have my camera when I set the cake up at the party, so I borrowed a camera to snap a shot or two of the cake set up om the stands and with the topper added!
I was so pleased at how it turned out.
The chocolate is embossed with little flowers
there was edible glitter EVERYWHERE, and I do mean everywhere!

Thanks for dropping by



  1. after just looking at that cake I need a glass of milk....LOL

  2. Email me if you need to,
    let me know how everything is...good or bad.

    Love you!
