Saturday, April 10, 2010

SOOC Saturday ~ A Different Perspective ~

Trying a technique that is new to me

A new perspective

...and they are SOOC Straight Out Of Camera~No Editing!

How many of you have heard of TTV Photography?
(Members of a TTV Flickr Group show off what they are doing, you can also find out more about the technique via the discussion boards if your interest is sparked)

Using one camera, in my case my Canon EOS 450D, to shoot a photo
Through The Viewfinder of another camera.
I have just had delivered to my hot little hands a Kodak Duaflex II Twin Lens Reflex Camera care of eBay...the cost was minute, compared to the postage.
These little suckers are hard to find in Oz

I am looking forward to investigating the possibilities this technique
holds install for me.
Ready to Explore from a whole new perspective.
Perhaps even invest in a few more vintage cameras to try out!

Now why don't you pop over to Melody's at Slurping Life
and explore the SOOC shots of the talented participants :0)
and why not leave a little bloggy love!

Slurping Life

Thanks for dropping by my place
things have been a little off kilter of late,
starting to find my groove again
and I look forward to sharin' a little of that groove with you :0)



  1. Very nice Jewelz you crafty little woman you!
    Hugs and I hope you are well.

  2. Great job! That first one is gorgeous.

  3. This new {well it is for me} technique really does something for me. I have a project in mind...the cogs are turning, can you hear them whirrrrrrrring?

  4. What a strange Idea, but kinda cool! Love that first shot anyway :D

  5. So you take a picture through the viewfinder of another camera?!?! Interesting. I'm gonna check that out. Visiting from the SOOC Saturday linky

  6. Yea!!! Jewelz has her groove back, (well mostly anyway) *singing in background* "O" happy day" :o)
    *birds chirping,Sun peeking through the clouds*

    All is well in my world again, *grin*

    Happy for you....

  7. Oh Girl! I am so intrigued and feeling completely inspired by you right now! AMAZING! ;-)


    Michelle, there's this YouTube video that explains TTV pretty cool I've inspired someone........................
    {{shouts out to Mr Daddy and Rach}} Mr Daddy, Rach where are you two now? I've inspired someone and it DIDN'T involve Mr Volcyum! Ooooooeeeeeeee LOL!
    I Can hear the music Mr Daddy "O Happy Days"....bum starts wiggling, feet start 'a steppin' Oh Yeah Babeeee...the groove HAS returned :0)
    Groove with me guys>>>>><<<<>>>><<<<>>><<<>>>


  9. That is very cool and I will have to try this too.

  10. Love these pictures.. very inspirational.

  11. those are incredible ! i've never heard of this technique !

  12. Very cool technique!! I'm intrigued and looking forward to seeing more of your TTV photos. Your first attempt is the dreamy, almost surreal feel to it.
