Sunday, April 11, 2010

!!!!!!!!But It's Not My Birthday!!!!!!!!!

It wasn't my birthday
I was however, asked to make a cake for a birthday
It was the 6th birthday of twin girls,
that's why we have TWO Doras :0)
Their Mum asked me to step it up from my usual cupcakes eeeep
So I had a mild panic attack jumped at the challenge!
Last day of school, Thursday week ago, she comes to me and says she would like it for 
That gave me no freakin' time at all just three days to come up with a concept
bake the cakes
and make it!
My directions were...they like princesses.
 {{crickets chirp}}...that was it. 


Hmmm...having a play with the size of the pics that are uploaded on my blog,
I am thinking these are a little pixellated!
So this is sort of a testing testing post :0)
Thinking of Changing the place around a little,
freshening things up, road testing new things.

You'll notice the cake had a little change too...can you pick it???
Go on, give it a go. It's a little like those 'pick the differences' cartoons/pictures
subtle but different and better, in my eldest daughter's  my opinion :0)
To top it actually tasted pretty divine.
Bella over saw the whole process, 
to see if she might like a castle cake for her next birthday
...she thinks she does...

What sort of pain in the butt 'fancy' cakes have you had a go at making?

Was the reward worth the blood, sweat and tears effort you put into making the cake?

(I actually got cold hard cash monetary rewards...I also loved the wide eyed look of genuine surprise, delight and wonder on the twins faces when I delivered their cake)


Thanks for dropping by

Saturday, April 10, 2010

SOOC Saturday ~ A Different Perspective ~

Trying a technique that is new to me

A new perspective

...and they are SOOC Straight Out Of Camera~No Editing!

How many of you have heard of TTV Photography?
(Members of a TTV Flickr Group show off what they are doing, you can also find out more about the technique via the discussion boards if your interest is sparked)

Using one camera, in my case my Canon EOS 450D, to shoot a photo
Through The Viewfinder of another camera.
I have just had delivered to my hot little hands a Kodak Duaflex II Twin Lens Reflex Camera care of eBay...the cost was minute, compared to the postage.
These little suckers are hard to find in Oz

I am looking forward to investigating the possibilities this technique
holds install for me.
Ready to Explore from a whole new perspective.
Perhaps even invest in a few more vintage cameras to try out!

Now why don't you pop over to Melody's at Slurping Life
and explore the SOOC shots of the talented participants :0)
and why not leave a little bloggy love!

Slurping Life

Thanks for dropping by my place
things have been a little off kilter of late,
starting to find my groove again
and I look forward to sharin' a little of that groove with you :0)
