Monday, March 8, 2010

SOOC Saturday♡♡♡Love♡♡♡

Love LOVE Love LOVE Love
Feeling The L♡VE
Sharing The L♡VE
over the SOOC Weekend
Drop by and be inspired on so many levels.
SOOC~Straight Out Of Camera~No Editing
Show your appreciation by leaving a little Bloggy L❤VE

Slurping Life

Thanks for dropping by my place
...Thanks for being patient, thanks for your support...
...I'm getting back into it little by little...
bit by bit



  1. Love this Jewelz....and I'm glad as you stated you are sort of back.

  2. Such a creative and lovely shot :D!

  3. Absolutely fantastic capture! I hope you are having a lovely week. =)

  4. ♡ this for many reasons...the creativity, the message, the colors, the perspective, the love and the fact it makes me smile.

    Nice to see you again.

  5. Oh, that is LOVEly... ! If I were to do that with a word, I guess mine would be "busy.. busy... busy...." Which would NOT be a very pretty picture. Good to see you back in action, sweet lady, and back to commenting over at OUaM... (Once Upon a Miracle.. trying to see if initials would work for it, but maybe not...).

  6. Fantastic! I love how creative that shot is and sure hope you have it framed somewhere in your house. That would make me smile every single time I saw it :)

    And I am still giggling at PamD's comment, ha ha! OUaM!
