Thanks to two wonderful people who let me invade their space, and play with the newest addition to their family yesterday (and move furniture, destroying a beautiful nursery setup which Troy will need to put back together...because Renai isn't lifting anything heavier than Tia are you Renai?).
They have been blessed with another miracle (they already have twins who are also miracle babies in their own right). Miss Tia is two weeks old and was the most awesome model. Her Mum and I got so caught up in the day, I actually forgot to pick up the girls from school....well I actually didn't forget, I just remembered that that I needed to pop off and collect them AN HOUR AFTER SCHOOL HAD FINISHED!!!!...Bad mother {hangs head in shame}!
The kids and I do have plans in place incase I do get caught up, Jordy did what she was told to do, Tess however just sat outside school hoping I would turn up and one of the Deputies gave her a lift home. Tess does NOT like walking and I'm sure she would have been there at midnight if no-one had turned up to collected her OR if Mrs L hadn't offered her a lift home. Thank you Mrs L.
Renai and I were like two little girls playing with a doll....and we played so nicely. We didn't argue over who got to play with Miss Tia, we shared like good girls do. Thank you to the powers that be for bringing Renai and her family into my life.
The weather was crappy so the natural light I was yearning for was no where to be found (cyclones tend to do that!!!). The shot that I had envisaged in my head did not happen, and I'm ok with that because Renai and I will have another 'play date' and perhaps I will get the shot then. I am bursting with pride because I think I did get some awesome shots. I have much editing to do and will enjoy the hours I will spend playing with (editing) the photos I did get on the Mac, Gompsey (that's Byrne speak for Grandad) and Dee sent me.
I hope you enjoy this sneak peek at Miss Tia's photos, which Renai has given me permission to make public. Actually Renai as much as told me WE (she and I) would be putting a portfolio together and promoting me around town as a photographer of babies. I blushed and am humbled by Renai's suggestion.
You gave my silly self esteem a much needed boost Renai, but I've already told you that haven't I? {{Jewelz blushes}}
Thank you Renai for our time together. Thank you Troy for letting me boss you around a little, and thank you Miss Tia for being an absolute angel....and for making me feel like a chicken, can anyone hear me clucking????
Lastly (almost), Thank you Kal Barteski for your quiet inspiration, your generosity and your out and out awesomeness. You know what I am talking about and I shall email you shortly letting you in on my PIF of your RAK and how I made my decision on who needed to be RAK PIFed.
(for those of you who are screwing up your face, saying WTF is RAK PIF let me enlighten you, They are acronyms for Random Act of Kindness and Pass It Forward) Kal committed a RAK for me and told me to PIF, I just had to decide who would recieve my PIF act. I have decided but I will let Kal know what is going on before I let the cat outta the bag. For those who don't know of Kal, hit one of her highlighted names...they are all links to her site. She is a graphic designer (like my beautiful brother Dee), an artist, a photographer, an author, a mother, a wife, a dog lover, a fellow coffee devotee and out and out awesome, inspirational kinda woman (I didn't put those things in any particular order of importance...Kal may order them in a different order. That's just how they spilled out of my mind and onto the screen)
I'll finish by sending Grandma Froggy and Gompsey LOVE. They are back safe and sound from Yemen and it was lovely to hear Lyn's (Mum's) voice today. She has been given the task of finding a photo or six for me to post. Some of their beautiful kitchen and some of their trip to I can show you how differently our dear Matt lives in Yemen. He most certainly does NOT have the oooh ahhhh kinda kitchen the other members of the Byrne's Brood are blessed with as I have said in a previous post! However, he is doing some fantastic humanitarian work in Yemen as an educator of adult Yemeni people. He teaches English to adults. You Rock Matthew!
That is enough from me today.
I have some more editing to do and must tidy the kitchen so my beautiful husband can rock the house by cooking up a storm for dinner (as opposed to the storm that is brewing outside).
Off I go
Cheers all
Very, very, very beautiful shots!! I love them. You are already there, my friend. You are already there...