Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Short but sweet.
I have bloggers block.
What would you like to read/see next time you return to my blog!
Oi...be nice ;0)

Throw me a line here PAHLEEEEEEEEEEZE!


Saturday, February 6, 2010

SOOC Saturday♡♡♡Take Wings and Fly My Love

Joining back in with SOOC Saturday.
Shots taken Straight Out Of Camera~No editing allowed!
After taking a break from blogging...Melody,
from Slurping Life, is back :0)
She has become a Grandmother since we last spoke.
I rejoice in your happiness Melody.
As you greeted your Earth Angel, Melody,
We sadly said goodbye too soon to our little jelly-bean.
Take wings and fly my love, fly on the wings of angel to His arms.
I will see you again when I join you in His company.

This photo made my heart ache in a comforting way.
A few noisy Cockatoos were flying around just before sunset,
there was some fantastic clouds in the sky.
I see wings, I see a light in the heavens.
This photo brings me peace at the moment.
My loss has taken flight.

Drop on over to Melody's and check out
more SOOC shots from some very amazing photographers.

Slurping Life

Thanks for dropping by

Sad Heart

Just a brief update.

What picture will be 'the right' picture?

Like it really matters!

I've opened my Blog Page so many times, then shut it because I don't know
how to put my words together eloquently enough.
So, I'll just write it down and go from there.
We were hoping to announce to you all this week, that we had made it through the first trimester of our pregnancy...and that the last member of the Byrne's Brood
was well on their way.
Sadly, our little jelly-bean was not destined to be held in our arms,
instead they will remain in our loving hearts and in thoughts of 'what could have been'.
I was admitted to hospital last Monday after having a miscarriage.
The world keeps spinning and things go on....doesn't stop me/us from being very very sad.

I'm around...just a little quiet