Sunday, July 19, 2009

✩Somewhere a bit special today✩

Ok...I've been a little remiss in posting.
I could give you a WHOLE list of whys,
including the pinched nerve in my shoulder, the muscle spasms that went with it
AND the very wicked drugs the Doc gave me to deal with the awful pain!
Instead why don't I just do something a bit different.....are you in?
Buckle up......'cause
We have to jump on a plane to get to where I'm taking you
today :0)

(My first new toy for a while....a Lomo Fish-Eye Film camera...a little bit of fun)
Heck...but since we're off on a little jaunt, I may even shop a little,
after we've had our lunch of course :0)

Where are we off to? Lovely Adelaide, where my BEAUTIFUL in-laws live.
Have I told you AT ALL how much I ♡heart♡ them ALL?
We can camp at their place until we head back!

Today we will not only have coffee {or three}, but some delectable sweets, some savory food,
AND perhaps a wine if it so takes our fancy!!!!

We're off to The Lane in Hahndorf, up in the South Australian Adelaide Hills
Stuffed Zucchini Flowers mmmmmm
You can each choose a dish and we can share if you like?
Then after we've finished those....

Decadent treats with our coffees...I'm having a Latte, what about the rest of you?
Creme Brulee, with ummmm....a rhubarb something and biscotti...
♡♡♡♡♡♡oh the creme Brulee ♡♡♡♡♡♡
A 'special' little taste platter~thank-you Tash~, one of our wait-staff
AND a friend of my beautiful Brother D, who made sure we
got a table, because of course WE didn't book as was suggested!!!!!
(How rockin' is my BIL D??
He even took Tash a bottle of Moet to thank her for squeezing us in, ALL of us!!!)

Tash kept popping by with 'tastes' of many, MANY of The Lanes wines!
I shall be sensible because I am the driver!
(I borrowed D's new ROCKS, IT'S RED and if I could distract him long enough...I'd pop it in my luggage to take home it is sooooooo friggen cool, sun-roof and all!)

And..........are the views beautiful or what?

..and as the sun starts to go down on our lovely day together let us
each take a moment to give thanks for the blessings that have been gifted to us♡ the heck are we all gonna fit in the Mini????? LMAO :0)

Now this little SOOC piccie is for my friend Lisa.
Lisa...guess what I was trying out at the very same time YOU
were telling me you had one but never really made the most of it?
A Macro lens :0) I laughed so hard when I read your comment!
I was trying out Dad's (my FIL's) just incase it wasn't for me. was for me so I got one transferred to the camera shop
near M&D's place and even got a discount...can I get an "Oh Yeeeeah"?
I didn't get the ring flash...I've been a little conservative on this trip :0)
Thought I'd play a little with it and see how I go.
This was taken in M&D's garden...THEIR gardens rock!
I married a Landscaper NOT a gardener I keep being told!!!!{{{sigh}}}

Ok everyone the last load of washing is just finishing off.
I am NOT taking a heap of dirty clothes back to Hedland with me!!!
I apparently have ANOTHER surprise waiting for me when I get home.
My Darlin' husband has paid someone to come in and clean the house Top to Bottom
He really does ROCK!
Not having to go home and wash SIX peoples dirty washing will be a super SUPER bonus.
We can just unpack our bags and get back to livin' Hedland style.
In a clean fricken house OHHHH YEAAAAAH :0)
{{{Doin the happy dance here!}}}
Hope Everyone is smilin'
Catch you all soon.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

♥ Cyber Coffee and Chat ♥

Ok Lisa...I've put a mass of things to keep the kids busy in the Cyber-playroom!
The older kids have agreed to Cyber-sit for us.
I'm sure Sloan will get along fabulously with my with all of the kids happy,
we have a little 'you and me time'!
My dear sweet Mother-In-Law, 'Grandma Froggy', has been tutoring me
on how to make the perfect cup of coffee with her 'new' coffee machine.
I thought the last one they had was flash...this one is simple AND flash!
Our coffees are made!
☺☺ NOT forgetting the choc sprinkles on top ☺☺
...and the warming sun is streaming through the sunroom windows.
I've put a little bird seed in the feeder (you can see it just above my coffee outside the window),
so the doves will be along shortly!
Now, as long as you have the pie...we are set for a lovely afternoon of cyber coffee, pie and chat!
How lovely....pull up a chair my friend!
How has your day been so far?
Oh....and tell me about your new iMac :0) how exciting!

{{Holds coffee cup up to 'clink' cups with Lisa}}

Fresh Coffee for us Lisa
Baby Choccochinos for Bella, Taiga and Gage
Hot Chocolate for Sloan and Josh, Jordy and Tess :0)

Bella says..."Choccochinos ROCK, drink up Taiga, drink up Gage, my Big Sissy
is bringing Sloan's Hot Chocolate."
So Weird that you should talk about a Macro lens and ring flash!
It's a little late right now...and I'd hate our coffee's to go cold!!!
I'll post a new post tomorrow to show you what I went looking for the other day!!!
Can you guess my little Mac genius???
Did you use iMovie to upload your videos from your camera to you Mac?


Monday, July 6, 2009

Catching Up~ SOOC Weekend

This is a catch up post.
I am falling way way behind.
School Holidays, Pinched nerve in shoulder, flight to Perth for the He and She Devils participation in the Global Rock Eisteddfod Challenge.
this years is not up yet!
Unfortunately they did not win this year, however they have every right
to hold their heads high because they walked away
with a bucket load of awards, did an awesome job on the night
and did Hedland proud with their behaviour and conduct at the Challenge.
Huge thumbs up to the kids and their teachers, the prac-student and the parent helper
who helped our kids achieve all that they did.

(SOOC self portrait using my iNotebook Photobooth)
I got to be the event photographer...and will use some of the shots for
BHP Billiton have sponsored me so I could be a part of the exciting opportunity offered to me to be involved in the workshop.

Slurping Life

Shooting this photo...I am still out of my comfort zone shooting in the
T.V priority mode (shutter speed).
However, I figure if you don't step outside of your comfort zone you cannot grow and improve.
So here I am..outside my comfort zone.
I love how the movement was captured in this shot.
I have so many fantastic shots from their preparation for Eisteddfod over the
last semester, I can't wait to put something together for them.

It is about the only comfort zone I'm out of at the moment
because the family and I continued on to Adelaide after Perth.
Juzz's family {{they are mine too ;o)}} live in Adelaide.
I love each one of them to bits. I am blessed to be a part of such a nice family.
I'll catch up and share a little of our adventures during the week.
I think bringing everyone away was the BEST thing for everyone after the dramas we have been experiencing in our house these past few months.
Particularly the He-Devil...however I shall share more about that in another post.Any hooooo pop on over to Melody's @ Slurping Life and
check out the SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera) Shots taken
by other talented photographers.
Hope all is well with everyone.
Thanks for dropping by